Weald of Kent Grammar School offers the Duke of Edinburgh award at Bronze, Silver and Gold level.  

In Year 9 we take around 200 students on the Bronze expedition. In Year 10 we offer the Silver award to 100 students, and in Year 12 the Gold award is offered to 30 students.

We seek to develop students' individual skills and attributes through their commitment to the DofE program. We currently run the largest Duke of Edinburgh program in Kent and are working hard every year to increase our overall completion rates for the award.  Our Year 9 and 10 students have a year to finish the program and they are invited to a wonderful celebration evening in October the following year to celebrate their success.  Our Year 12 students have two years to finish the program and on completion they are invited to both a school celebration evening and a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. This year we have five former students who will be attending the Garden Party to celebrate their amazing achievement. 

Read an account of the Gold practice expedition here.