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  • 08/07/24

    A Warm Weald Welcome

    On Thursday we were thrilled to welcome our new intake of Year 7 Weald students at both the Sevenoaks and Weald campuses.
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  • 04/07/24

    Poetry Awards Evening

    Last Thursday evening at our Sevenoaks campus, we held a Poetry Event for the poets whose poems were shortlisted in the 2024 Weald Poetry Competition.
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  • 26/06/24

    Primary Schools Rounders Tournament

    Yesterday we hosted the Year 6 Primary Schools Rounders Tournament which was run by our Year 10 Sports Leaders. They did a brilliant job of umpiring, scoring and cheering on the Primary School children.
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  • 21/06/24

    Carnegie Awards Ceremony

    Having been lucky enough to get highly sought after tickets in the ballot, 35 Weald Book Club students made their way to the Cambridge Theatre in London on Thursday for the Yoto Carnegie Awards Ceremony, accompanied by Mrs Quinnell, Ms Suttill, Mrs Creak, Miss Fariha and Ms Cope.
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  • 21/06/24

    Year 8 InspiREd Art Showcase

    In Term 5 RE, Year 8 students studied a new unit called ‘How is the spiritual expressed through art?’ They learned about visual and performance art and music across a range of religions and explored how these art forms allow believers to express what cannot be put into words.
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  • 14/06/24

    Student Receptionists

    This term we have commenced our Student Receptionist pilot programme. Each day on Reception, at both campuses, we have been joined by a Year 7 student who has enjoyed a taste of office life.
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  • 21/05/24

    Going for Gold

    At the end of April, a group from Weald battled bogs, wind, rain and challenging mountainous terrain during a practice expedition for their Gold Duke of Edinburgh award.  It was a huge challenge, but they all survived intact and are looking forward to taking on the real thing later this summer...
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  • 17/05/24

    Sharing a Passion for Astronomy

    Katarina in Year 12 won second prize in the senior section of Tonbridge School’s Science Communication competition with her talk on ‘Saving our night sky from the effects of light pollution’.
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  • 10/05/24

    Cricketing Success

    The U13 and U15 Chance2Compete Cricket teams had a fantastic day full of success yesterday.
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  • 01/05/24

    Good Luck Year 11!

    Our wonderful Year 11s left for study leave in style today after a morning of celebratory assemblies, ice creams and shirt signing. We wish them all the very best of luck for their GCSEs! Thank you to the PTA for funding the ice creams and lollies.  
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  • 29/04/24

    Free 11+ resources for Pupil Premium children

    To encourage even greater representation of children at Weald of Kent, we work in partnership with Atom Learning, the leading online 11+ preparation platform, to provide students who are eligible for pupil premium and sitting the Kent Test with free online exam preparation materials.
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  • 26/04/24

    Variety Performance

    The E M Forster Theatre has been buzzing with the energy and enthusiasm of our Variety performers who have worked incredibly hard towards two evenings in celebration of the performing arts.
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