During the winter snow and ice, and extreme bad weather can cause widespread and prolonged disruption. We will make every effort, subject to health and safety requirements, to keep the school open so students can continue to learn.

Each day during a period of bad weather we will make a risk assessment. If circumstances change to such an extent that the Headteacher believes conditions are unsafe or if we are advised by bus companies that road conditions are deteriorating, early closure may be necessary.

If individual parents feel it is in the interest of their child’s safety to go home, even though school is open, we will respect their wishes to come into school to collect that student.

Should we need to close the school, we will notify parents through the following channels:

  • We aim to notify parents and carers by 7am on email.
  • A pop up message will be displayed on our website homepage.
  • Kent Closure website will be updated www.kentclosures.co.uk 
  • Online school closure and gritting routes can be found at www.kent.gov.uk/winter  
  • Radio stations broadcasting updates on school closures: KMFM (96.2/101.6FM), BBC Radio Kent (96.7/104.2FM) and Heart FM (102.8/103.1FM)