We would like to congratulate our GCSE students who have, once again, achieved an excellent set of examination results.  The hard work and determination to succeed that they have demonstrated throughout their 2-year GCSE course of study has enabled them to excel with 99% of students achieving at least 5 standard passes including English and Maths.  The whole cohort average grade is a 7 matching the performance of last year’s cohort. 

There are some spectacular individual achievements, with 121 students gaining an average grade of at least a 7 and 50 students gaining an average grade of 8 or 9.  I know that the students would want me to thank our excellent staff body and their parents and carers for their guidance, support and care during their studies.  We are looking forward to the next stage of their journey in education, with the vast majority planning to embark upon their A level studies with us in September.