Here is some student feedback from the recent Faraday Challenge:

On Thursday 10 November we went to Somerhill school to compete in an interschool challenge on who can make the best invention that will help the future of aviation. We decided to design a car fitted with a conveyor belt that delivers parcels to people in need during a natural disaster. Our favourite part was probably building the car as we all got to work together and in the process worked well as a team. The hardest part was probably that fact that we changed our whole idea halfway through the competition. We figured out our circuit had limited function to achieve our goals and adapted the method to build a vehicle that can be easily manoeuvred in different directions. Our score was in the high eighties so we can’t wait to see where we would end up in the league table at the end of the season. It was an exciting day and we enjoyed taking part in this STEM challenge!

Sasha, year 8