In Term 5 RE, Year 8 students studied a new unit called ‘How is the spiritual expressed through art?’ They learned about visual and performance art and music across a range of religions and explored how these art forms allow believers to express what cannot be put into words.

Alongside this, they completed a homework project, producing their own piece of art linked to a religion and to our school values of curiosity, courage and compassion. This doubled up as a competition, with prizes for a winner and runners up. The amount of work put into this and the quality of the work produced has been outstanding and all of year 8 should be proud of it. This week, 18 finalists and a further 18 semi-finalists had their work showcased and the winner and runners up were decided. The event was a huge success, with a gallery set up in the RE classrooms in Tonbridge for parents and students to attend and proudly display the work. A local faith leader attended and took part in the judging. The depth of quality on display in both the artwork and the thoughtful write-ups and links to school values was such that the judges decided to award an extra runner-up place. Congratulations to our winner, Harriet Newton, and our three runners-up, Aida Mohammed, Jane Chisholm and Lottie Marshall. Thank you and well done to them and to all of our finalists and semi-finalists for the fantastic work produced. Thank you also to the parents who made it to our showcase, to the RE and support staff who put in a lot of work in making the whole thing happen and to Miss Brown and Mr. Booth for the astute judging.

InspiREd Art Showcase