Our school has embraced LGBT+ History Month with a series of inspiring as-semblies led by our Year 12 and 13 students.
A key focus of this year’s celebrations was the work of astrophysicist Nergis Mavalvala, Professor of Astrophysics at MIT. Our Sixth Formers highlighted her groundbreaking contributions to gravitational wave research, as well as her advocacy for diversity as a driver of innovation.
Mavalvala speaks openly about her experiences as a member of the LGBT+ community, demonstrating the power of authenticity and representation in the world of science and beyond. A quote shared in the assembly captures her message beautifully:
“Be the light that illuminates the truth – not just your truth but the truth of others. Light and truth can drive out darkness, fear and ignorance, apathy and anger.”
Through discussions like these, we continue to celebrate inclusion and belonging within our Weald community, ensuring that everyone feels valued and represented.
Ms Butler, Mr O'Sullivan, Mr Gladman and Miss Firestone would like to thank the Year 12 and 13 students involved for their commitment and hard work in designing and delivering these assemblies across both campuses - it has been a pleasure to work with such mature and passionate young people.