Works of art done by Weald students have won glowing praise from the best-selling author whose novel inspired them.

Photos of models, illustrations, poems and designs created by Year 7s at Weald were recently shared with US novelist Lauren Wolk by Weald English teacher Ms Longley.

The students are studying Lauren’s 2016 novel, Wolf Hollow, a Depression-era tale set in rural Pennsylvania about a young girl’s battles with a local bully.

Ms Longley contacted the writer on social media and she was more than happy to see the work done by Weald students.

Lauren said: “Thank you to all the amazingly talented, insightful and creative Year 7 students. I loved the artwork and poetry they created in response to Wolf Hollow.

“I only wish we could sit down in a big circle and talk about the book. Maybe some day we can.

“In the meantime, I hope they keep reading, writing, making art and exploring their lives in every possible way. Thank you!”

Ms Longley said the Weald students were very pleased that the writer had taken such a shine to their work and hopes they can, in the future, perhaps arrange a meeting online.

The gallery also includes amazing work done by another group of Year 7 students who were inspired Witch Child, a novel by Celia Rees. Telling the tale of injustice, superstition and prejudice in the 18th Century New World, English teacher Mr Finn asked students to use their imagination and create Top Trumps-style cards.

He said: “I wanted a more creative way of discussing strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits. I was impressed by both the degree and range of creativity used by students.”

You can see a gallery of the work inspired by Wolf Hollow and Witch Child by clicking  here.