I would like to welcome you to the Weald of Kent Grammar School.  We are a happy, purposeful and vibrant school community with a reputation for high academic standards.

Our students are at the centre of everything that we do here and the education we provide at this school is holistic and focusses on developing the whole student. Our ethos is focused on making sure that our students thrive here at Weald; that they enjoy their learning and achieve first class qualifications alongside developing as confident, caring and curious individuals. We want them to be well prepared for their future lives and leave Weald empowered to achieve their aspirations. This ambition is underpinned by our three core values: curiosity, courage and compassion.

We aim to offer a broad and balanced curriculum where traditional methods co-exist with innovative teaching and learning that embraces the very latest technologies and research. Our curriculum is enriched by a vast array of activities, including trips, competitions, lectures and work-related learning. This, combined with the fact that classes are taught by passionate subject specialists, enables us to achieve academic results that are among the very best nationally.

We want our students to be happy and successful and understand that it must come in that order. Care is an important part of our ethos and we have a strong and supportive pastoral care system which means that students are nurtured and supported every step of the way through their time at the school. This is based upon all students having an individual form tutor and head of year who oversees their personal development.  In addition, we have an excellent student services department at both campuses where specialist staff are available throughout the school day to support any students who may require it.

There is a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities on offer both at lunchtime and after school and everyone is encouraged to make the most of these opportunities and play a role in the wider life of the school. We aim to develop a strong sense of belonging in our students and our House system plays an important role in engendering a strong sense of community.

We are delighted that you are interested in finding out more about our school and we would encourage you to visit us in person to get a real sense of what being a student at the Weald of Kent Grammar school is like. We are very proud of this school and we are confident that when you visit us you will see a warm and caring community that is purposeful and forward looking. 


Yours sincerely 

Mr R Booth (Headteacher)