The intention of the Mathematics department is to offer a wide curriculum to all students that covers the key elements of number, algebra, ratio and proportion, geometry, statistics and probability. The curriculum constantly builds upon prior knowledge from primary school and then between the years and key stages. Students are given examples of everyday use of the mathematics that they learn, including various career opportunities.  

We aim to enthuse students in their studies in Mathematics and to stretch them by challenging their understanding of why certain concepts and or processes work. Students study an enriched curriculum which challenges their thinking through problem solving. They are encouraged to extend their knowledge in the different elements studied and are constantly introduced to new concepts. We intend to allow students the opportunities to apply their skills to problem solving involving logical thinking, accuracy and the ability to make links between the different topics. Students are also encouraged to make mistakes and then given the opportunity to learn from these. We also look to develop student’s IT skills through the effective use of calculators.  

Course Content  

Years 7-9 

Number – Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio, Indices, Surds 

Algebra – Sequences, Expressions, Equations, Graphs 

Geometry – Area, Volume, Right-Angled Triangles (Pythagoras and Trigonometry), Polygons, Angles, Similar Shapes, Constructions 

Statistics – Averages, Graphs, Probability 


Years 10 and 11 

Number – Further Ratio, Proportion, Surds, Upper and Lower Bounds 

Algebra – Curved graphs, Quadratic and Cubic Equations, Inequalities, Simultaneous Equations, Functions, Trigonometry Graphs 

Geometry – More complex Volumes and Surface Area, Circle Theorems, Non-right Angled Triangle Trigonometry, Transformations, Congruency, Vectors 

Statistics – Further graphical representations, Further probability (Tree and Venn Diagrams) 

Years 12 and 13 

Algebra, Binomial Expansion, Trigonometry, Vectors, Functions, Cartesian Graphs, Calculus,  

Logarithms, Sequences, Mathematical Modelling, Statistics, Mechanics 

I have found that maths has been very enjoyable and a way to expand my overall knowledge with problem solving activities that can relate to real life. These skills that I learn in maths will be very helpful in the future. The maths lessons that we have are very thorough and help us to understand any new content that we don't know. We are also given personal help when we don't understand something, which makes the atmosphere very supportive and friendly.

year 9 student

Maths is a great subject, linking and supporting the sciences through calculations and problem solving. I find maths lessons engaging with plenty of time to practice questions and ask for help if you get stuck. Outside maths lessons, there is extra support available and maths teachers are always approachable to help.

year 13 student

Maths lessons are interesting and challenging and the teachers are supportive and kind.

year 10

I’ve always struggled a bit with maths since the beginning of year 7, especially with graphs and algebraic topics. However, during every maths lesson my teacher has helped support with certain topics I found difficult which has led to me feeling more confident with maths overall.

year 11




  • Annual Junior UK Maths Challenge (open to years 7 and 8) 

  • Annual Intermediate UK Maths Challenge (Open to years 9 to 11) 

  • Annual Senior UK Maths Challenge (Open to years 12 and 13) 

  • Various National Competitions which run throughout the year 

  • Chance to join the University of Kent Maths Masterclasses (Selected year 9 students) 

  • Studying Mathematics at University talks 

  • Chess Club