The intention of the Physical Education curriculum at Weald of Kent Grammar School is to develop a passion for physical activity and sport. We want our students to understand how exercise contributes to a healthy, active lifestyle and what opportunities are available to them locally. This gives them the knowledge and confidence to continue leading a healthy, active lifestyle post-16. We believe the study of PE contributes to our students communication and teamwork skills as well as providing them with opportunities to develop self-motivation and resilience. Physical Education is not only important for educating students about how to stay fit and healthy, but it also provides a route into a variety of higher education and careers options such as sport science, physiotherapy and sports coaching.
Course Content
Years 7-9
Over the course of Key Stage 3, students will cover a range of activities including: Netball, Football, Hockey, Rugby, Dance, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Fitness, Badminton, OAA, Rounders, Cricket, Tennis and Athletics.
Within these activities, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of rules, tactics and chorographical devices. They will also develop their physical skills and game play, as well as teamwork, leadership and evaluative skills when helping others.
Years 10 and 11
All students continue to participate in Physical Education throughout Key Stage 4. As well as building on the activities they have covered in Key Stage 3, they will be introduced to new sports and fitness activities such as Cheerleading, Yoga and Exercise to Music. We offer a broad range of activities throughout each year to encourage the students to try new things and make the most of opportunities that will be available to them outside of school.
For those students who choose to study GCSE PE, we follow the AQA specification. We cover a range of topics including anatomy and physiology, biomechanics and sports psychology as well as sociocultural factors and diet and nutrition. Students are assessed in three sports, and it is recommended that they are regularly training and competing in at least one sport outside of school to support this.
Years 12 and 13
Here at Weald of Kent Grammar School, we value the contribution of physical activity towards physical, mental and social health. With this in mind, we run Sixth Form Sport every Wednesday afternoon for all Year 12 students. Year 13 students may choose to take part if they would like to. Each term, we have a range of activities on offer, including different team sports, Badminton, Yoga, Golf, Running and many more. Students sign up for the activity they would like to take part in for that term.
A Level PE is offered, following the AQA specification. Students study Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Skill Acquisition, Sport Psychology, Sport and Society and the role of Technology. All lessons are theory based and students must be competing in a sport outside of school. They will submit video evidence from this sport to allow us to assess them.
At Weald of Kent Grammar School, we have a wide range of sports clubs on offer. We compete in a vast range of sports at a local, regional and national level and are particularly successful in sports such as Trampolining, Cricket, Netball and Hockey. We also work closely with external providers to extend our offer, providing weekly opportunities in activities such as Kickboxing. We believe that every student should feel welcome at sports clubs, no matter what their ability level and we run several teams for each sport to give competitive opportunities to all. Clubs take place before school, at lunchtimes and after school with afterschool fixtures happening weekly.
I love PE at Weald. It is so fun and we get to do a good range of sports throughout the year so I get to learn new things as well as develop the skills I already have.
key stage 3 student
We enjoy PE because it isn’t just about team sports, we do lots of other physical activities too such as yoga and exercise to music. These are things that we might actually carry on with once we leave school. There is a good balance between activities.
key stage 4 student
Sixth form sport is a good opportunity to switch off from the stress of A Levels in the week and have fun with friends whilst being physically active. I like the fact that we get to choose which activity we take part in each term.
key stage 5 student